Adventures in 2019 – Catching Up: Bahrain

It’s been a long while since I was able to write about adventures.  And it seems a little silly now to tell in detail all about those adventures – especially as I can’t remember the details.  All I know is that I had a good time for each, and that I still believe firmly in trying new things.  Of course, I no longer have the time to do the weekly adventures I was doing in 2014 and 2015, but that’s okay – one can only keep up that pace for so long, and now I am focused on being a climate activist, and boy, is that the challenge I need, though I wish it wasn’t what the world needs.  Everyone – take please take climate action and check out my new-ish blog, soon-to-be-nonprofit, Climate Steps.

So, this particular post, about my trip to Bahrain in mid-April, and the next one are less like my normal, funny, witty, thoughtful blogs (ha, ha), and are more like adding to the list of memories that I will need when I am 90+, living in a nursing home with physical frailties and new insecurities, wanting to recapture some incredible memories, such as flirting with various actors while in Miami (pre-blog), or living in a tent in Africa, or eating bizarre fruits picked out at Safeway, hot-air ballooning, or, especially, making candles with my dad – unless my dad reaches 120 and we are still doing that.  Some steps have been wonderful; all have been steps to push me to be active and to grow.  Once I realized that pushing myself has almost always been good for me, it has become part of me.  Hopefully I’ll still be doing that when I am older. 

Hey nephews Andy and Ryan – let’s make candles next time you come to the farm!

Okay, to catch you all up since my solar install in early April, which was my last adventure blog), this post is just a photo gallery of a wonderful time in mid April 2019 in Bahrain with some incredible people (minus one). It’s just a photo gallery, because I think the pictures say it all. Oh, except I’ll add that this trip was for work, where I helped organize judges for a U.S. State Department global entrepreneur competition. The people pictured below are the judges, two trainers, and some of the entrepreneurs.

Always good to end a trip with an excellent dinner, by a wonderful host.

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